Weather Policy

Aug 11, 2019

Welcome to River Oaks Church, where we prioritize the safety and well-being of all our members and visitors. We understand that weather conditions can sometimes impact our services and events. This weather policy outlines our approach to ensure everyone's safety while maintaining a warm and welcoming environment for worship.

Service Cancellations

At River Oaks Church, we closely monitor weather conditions to determine whether it is safe to hold our regular services. In the event of severe weather conditions such as hurricanes, heavy snowfall, or other hazardous situations, we may decide to cancel or modify our services for the safety of our congregation.

When service cancellations occur, we notify our community through various channels, including our website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. It is important to stay connected with us to receive timely updates.

Alternative Worship Options

In cases where our regular services are canceled, we may offer alternative worship options to ensure our congregation can still engage spiritually. These options may include live streaming of sermons, online devotionals, or virtual gatherings facilitated through video conferencing platforms. We believe that even during challenging weather conditions, our faith and unity remain strong.

Event Adjustments

While our services might be adjusted due to severe weather, we also pay close attention to any scheduled events or gatherings at River Oaks Church. Depending on the circumstances, we may choose to reschedule, relocate, or modify these events to ensure the safety and convenience of our attendees. We understand the importance of maintaining a sense of community and belonging, even when faced with weather-related challenges.

Communication and Updates

We value transparent and effective communication with our community. Whenever there is a weather-related impact on our services, we strive to keep everyone informed promptly. Be sure to check our website, follow our social media accounts, and subscribe to our email newsletters to receive the latest updates regarding any weather-related changes to our schedules and events.

Preparedness and Safety

At River Oaks Church, we prioritize preparedness and safety. We have emergency plans in place to ensure that our facilities are well-equipped to handle various weather conditions. Our team regularly assesses the safety protocols and ensures that all necessary precautions are taken to protect our congregation and visitors.

In addition to our internal safety measures, we encourage our community members to prioritize their personal safety during severe weather. Always follow local authorities' guidelines and be mindful of any warnings or advisories issued. Your safety is of the utmost importance to us.


Our weather policy reflects our commitment to our congregation's safety and well-being while providing a nurturing environment for worship and community engagement. Stay connected with us through our various communication channels to receive updates and stay informed about any changes to our services and events due to severe weather conditions.

At River Oaks Church, we believe that our faith can withstand any weather, and together, we can weather any storm.

Paul Neumeier
Thank you for sharing this weather policy! Ensuring safety and well-being is indeed crucial, especially during extreme weather conditions. It's great to see that River Oaks Church takes proactive measures to prioritize everyone's welfare while creating a warm and welcoming environment for worship. Well done!
Nov 11, 2023
Jamie Massey
Thank you for outlining the weather policy. It's important to ensure everyone's safety.
Jul 11, 2023
Monique Leeuwenburgh
Safety first! I appreciate the church's commitment to this.
May 12, 2023
Staci Davis
This policy demonstrates the care and consideration for everyone's well-being.
Feb 4, 2023
Peter Andino
Knowing there's a plan in place for weather-related situations is reassuring.
Oct 20, 2021
Dawn Robertson
The safety of members and visitors should always come first. Well done, River Oaks Church!
Jan 21, 2021
Allie Levy
The well-being of the members and visitors is clearly a top priority at River Oaks Church.
Sep 5, 2020
Gregory Vandenbosch
A clear policy is crucial for keeping everyone informed and prepared.
Jul 16, 2020
Greg Mailgun
A warm and welcoming environment, along with safety measures, is a win-win!
May 30, 2020
Gavin Nagle
Appreciate the commitment to prioritize safety and well-being! 🙌
Feb 15, 2020
Tom Gardner
Thank you for the proactive approach to ensuring everyone's safety.
Feb 10, 2020
Kathryn Elam
Important to have a policy in place to ensure everyone's safety during unpredictable weather conditions.
Oct 22, 2019
Brian Costello
It's great to know that the church takes weather conditions seriously.
Oct 14, 2019